// source --> https://vacagency.cz/wp-content/themes/noisa/js/custom.js?ver=imagesloaded // When DOM is fully loaded jQuery(document).ready(function($) { "use strict"; /* Main Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Detect Touch Devices var isTouch = ( ( 'ontouchstart' in window ) || ( navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 ) ); if ( isTouch ) { $( 'body' ).addClass( 'touch-device' ); } // Run customizer function if (typeof ajax_reload == 'function') { ajax_reload(); } // Global Variables var intro_slider = null; /* Remove / Update plugins after page loaded ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { // OWL $( '#ajax-container #intro-slider' ).each( function(){ var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ); if ( id == undefined ) return; // Destroy carousel if exists if ( $( '#' + id ).data( 'owlCarousel') != undefined ) { $( '#' + id ).data( 'owlCarousel' ).destroy(); } }); if ( $.fn.waypoints ) { setTimeout(function(){ $.waypoints('refresh'); 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TweenMax.to( window, qs_duration, { scrollTo:{ y:ih }, ease:Power2.easeOut } ); TweenMax.to( intro_el, qs_duration, { alpha: 0, ease:Power2.easeOut } ); event.preventDefault; }); page.on( 'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function( event ) { var scroll_top = $( window ).scrollTop(), // scroll top ih = intro_el.outerHeight(), // intro height hh = header.outerHeight(); if ( event.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || event.originalEvent.detail < 0 ) { // scroll up if ( scroll_top < ih ) { TweenMax.to( window, qs_duration, { scrollTo:{ y:0 }, ease:Power2.easeOut } ); TweenMax.to( intro_el, qs_duration, { alpha: 1, ease:Power2.easeOut } ); } } else { // scroll down if ( scroll_top < ih-hh-bottom_offset ) { TweenMax.to( window, qs_duration, { scrollTo:{ y:ih }, ease:Power2.easeOut } ); TweenMax.to( intro_el, qs_duration, { alpha: 0, ease:Power2.easeOut } ); } } }); } })(); /* Intro ZOOM OUT effect ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { if ( $( '.intro.intro-image-zoom').length <= 0 ) return var introSection = $('.intro.intro-image-zoom'), introSectionHeight = introSection.height(), scaleSpeed = 0.3, opacitySpeed = 1; $( '#content' ).css({ 'margin-top' : introSectionHeight }); var MQ = 960; function animateIntro () { var scrollPercentage = ( $( window ).scrollTop()/introSectionHeight ).toFixed( 5 ), scaleValue = 1 - scrollPercentage*scaleSpeed; if( $( window ).scrollTop() < introSectionHeight) { var s = $(window).scrollTop(); introSection.css({ 'top' : (-introSectionHeight+s) + 'px', '-moz-transform': 'scale(' + scaleValue + ') translateZ(0)', '-webkit-transform': 'scale(' + scaleValue + ') translateZ(0)', '-ms-transform': 'scale(' + scaleValue + ') translateZ(0)', '-o-transform': 'scale(' + scaleValue + ') translateZ(0)', 'transform': 'scale(' + scaleValue + ') translateZ(0)', 'opacity': 1 - scrollPercentage*opacitySpeed }); } } function triggerAnimation(){ if ( $( window ).width() >= MQ ) { introSection.css( { 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : -introSectionHeight + 'px' } ); introSectionHeight = introSection.height(); $( '#content' ).css( { 'margin-top' : introSectionHeight } ); $( window ).on( 'scroll', animateIntro ); 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players[key] = $( '#' + video_id ).YTPlayer({ fitToBackground: true, videoId : video_yt_id }); } } if ( prev.find( '.slide' ).hasClass( 'video-slide' ) ) { var video_id = prev.find( '.image-video' ).attr( 'id' ), key = video_id; if ( $( '#' + video_id ).hasClass( 'loaded' ) ) { players[key] = $( '#' + video_id ).data( 'ytPlayer' ).player; players[key].pauseVideo(); } } } // Carousel slider var zoom = false, intro_slider = $( '#intro-slider' ), navigation = intro_slider.data( 'slider-nav' ), pagination = intro_slider.data( 'slider-pagination' ), speed = intro_slider.data( 'slider-speed' ), pause_time = intro_slider.data( 'slider-pause-time' ); if ( $( '#intro-slider .image-video' ).length ) { pause_time = false; } intro_slider.owlCarousel({ navigation : navigation, pagination : pagination, slideSpeed : speed, autoPlay : pause_time, navigationText: [ '', '' ], singleItem : true, afterMove : afterMove, afterUpdate : afterUpdate }); // Set startup animations if ( $( '#intro-slider' ).hasClass( 'zoom' ) ) { zoom = true; $( '#intro-slider' ).find( '.owl-item:eq(0) .image' ).addClass( 'zoom' ); } _slider_animation(0); // Video if ( $( '#intro-slider' ).find( '.owl-item:eq(0)' ).find( '.image-video' ).length ) { var video_id = $( '#intro-slider' ).find( '.owl-item:eq(0) .image-video' ).attr( 'id' ), key = video_id, video_yt_id = $( '#' + video_id ).data( 'video-id' ); var readyYoutube = function(){ if((typeof YT !== "undefined") && YT && YT.Player){ setTimeout( function(){ players[key] = video_yt_id = $( '#' + video_id ).data( 'video-id' ); players[key] = $( '#' + video_id ).YTPlayer({ fitToBackground: true, videoId : video_yt_id }); },2000); }else{ setTimeout(readyYoutube, 100); } } readyYoutube(); } // Slider animations function _slider_animation(eq) { if ( $( '.intro.anim-css' ).length <=0 ) return; var d = 1, // delay o = 0, // opacity subtitle_y = -60; // Overlay opacity if ( $( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .overlay.noise' ).length ) { o = 0.04; } else if ( $( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .overlay.dots' ).length ) { o = 1; } else { o = 0.80 } if ( zoom ) { TweenMax.to( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .image', 40, { scale:1.4, repeat:-1, yoyo:true, rotationZ: "0.01deg", transformOrigin: "0 0", ease:Linear.easeNone } ); } if ( $( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .overlay' ).length ) { d = 1; TweenMax.fromTo( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .overlay', 1, { alpha: 0, }, { alpha: o, delay : d, ease: Power2.easeOut }); } TweenMax.fromTo( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .caption-divider', 1, { width: 0, }, { width: '100%', delay: d+0.6, ease: Power2.easeOut }); TweenMax.fromTo( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .caption-top', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 30, scale: 0.97 }, { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, y: 0, delay: d+0.8, ease: Power4.easeOut }); TweenMax.fromTo( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .caption-bottom', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, y: -30, scale: 0.97 }, { autoAlpha: 0.9, scale: 1, y: 0, delay: d+0.8, ease: Power4.easeOut }); TweenMax.fromTo( '#intro-slider .owl-item:eq('+eq+') .scroll-anim-button', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, y:-40, }, { autoAlpha: 0.7, y:0, delay: d+0.8, ease: Power2.easeOut }); } })(); /* Content Slider ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { if ( $( '.content-slider' ).length <= 0 ) return; $( '.content-slider' ).each( function() { // Carousel slider var content_slider = $( this ), id = '#' + $( this ).attr( 'id' ), navigation = content_slider.data( 'slider-nav' ), pagination = content_slider.data( 'slider-pagination' ), speed = content_slider.data( 'slider-speed' ), pause_time = content_slider.data( 'slider-pause-time' ); $( id ).owlCarousel({ navigation : navigation, pagination : pagination, slideSpeed : speed, autoPlay : pause_time, navigationText: [ '', '' ], autoHeight : true, singleItem : true }); }); })(); /* Carousel slider ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { $( '.carousel-slider' ).each( function(){ var id = $( this ).attr( 'id' ), effect = $( this ).data( 'effect' ), nav = $( this ).data( 'nav' ), autoplay = $( this ).data( 'autoplay' ), pagination = $( this ).data( 'pagination' ), items = $( this ).data( 'items' ), single_item = true; if ( items != undefined && items > 1 ) { single_item = false; } if ( id == undefined ) return; $( '#' + id ).owlCarousel({ navigation : nav, pagination : pagination, navigationText: [ '', '' ], singleItem : single_item, items : items, autoPlay : autoplay, //Basic Speeds slideSpeed : 400, paginationSpeed : 800, rewindSpeed : 1000 }); $( '.owl-link', this ).on( 'click', function( event ){ var $this = $( this ); }); }); })(); /* Parallax ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { var images; function init() { images = [].slice.call( $('.parallax') ); if(!images.length) { return } $( window ).on( 'scroll', doParallax ); $( window ).on( 'resize', doParallax ); doParallax(); } function getViewportHeight() { var a = document.documentElement.clientHeight, b = window.innerHeight; return a < b ? b : a; } function getViewportScroll() { if(typeof window.scrollY != 'undefined') { return window.scrollY; } if(typeof pageYOffset != 'undefined') { return pageYOffset; } var doc = document.documentElement; doc = doc.clientHeight ? doc : document.body; return doc.scrollTop; } function doParallax() { var el, elOffset, elHeight, offset = getViewportScroll(), vHeight = getViewportHeight(); for(var i in images) { el = images[i]; if ( $( el ).css( 'background-image' ) != 'none') { elOffset = el.offsetTop; elHeight = el.offsetHeight; if((elOffset > offset + vHeight) || (elOffset + elHeight < offset)) { continue; } TweenMax.to( el, 0.5, { backgroundPosition:'50% '+Math.round((elOffset - offset)*3/10)+'px', ease:Power2.easeOut } ); } } } init() })(); /* Intro animations ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { function _intro_animations() { if ( $( '.intro.anim-css' ).length <= 0 || $( '.intro-slider-outer' ).length ) return; var d = 0.5, // delay o = 0, // opacity subtitle_y = -60; if ( $( '.intro .overlay.noise' ).length ) { o = 0.04; } else if ( $( '.intro .overlay.dots' ).length ) { o = 1; } else if ( $( '.intro .overlay.light' ).length ) { o = 0.85; } else { o = 0.80 } if ( $( '.intro .image' ).hasClass( 'zoom' ) ) { TweenMax.to( '.intro .image', 40, { scale:1.4, repeat:-1, yoyo:true, rotationZ: "0.01deg", transformOrigin: "0 0", ease:Linear.easeNone } ); } if ( $( '.intro .overlay' ).length ) { TweenMax.fromTo( '.intro .overlay', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, }, { autoAlpha: o, delay : d, ease: Power2.easeOut }); } $( '.intro .caption-divider' ).css( 'width', 0 ); $( '.intro .intro-captions' ).css( 'opacity', 1 ); $( '.intro .profile-image' ).css( 'opacity', 1 ); TweenMax.fromTo( '.intro .profile-image', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, scale:0.8 }, { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, delay: d+0.6, ease: Power2.easeOut }); TweenMax.fromTo( '.intro .caption-divider', 1, { width: 0, }, { width: '100%', delay: d+0.6, ease: Power2.easeOut }); TweenMax.fromTo( '.intro .caption-top', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, y: 30, scale: 0.97 }, { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1, y: 0, delay: d+0.8, ease: Power4.easeOut }); TweenMax.fromTo( '.intro .caption-bottom', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, y: -30, scale: 0.97 }, { autoAlpha: 0.9, scale: 1, y: 0, delay: d+0.8, ease: Power4.easeOut }); TweenMax.fromTo( '.intro .scroll-anim-button', 1, { autoAlpha: 0, y:-40, }, { autoAlpha: 0.7, y:0, delay: d+0.8, ease: Power2.easeOut }); } _intro_animations(); })(); /* MASONRY GRID ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { if ( ! $( '.masonry' ).length ) return; if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'wp-ajax-loader' ) ) { $( '.masonry' ).isotope({ itemSelector : '.masonry-item', transitionDuration: 0, // layoutMode: 'fitRows', }); setTimeout( function(){ $( '.masonry' ).isotope( 'layout' ) }, 3000); } else { $( window ).on( 'load', function(){ $( '.masonry' ).isotope({ itemSelector : '.masonry-item', transitionDuration: 0, // layoutMode: 'fitRows', }); }); setTimeout( function(){ $( '.masonry' ).isotope( 'layout' ) }, 3000); } $( window ).on( 'resize', function(){ setTimeout( function(){ $( '.masonry' ).isotope( 'layout' ) }, 1000); } ); if ( ! $( '.masonry.masonry-anim' ).length ) return; var $count = 1; var _addClass = function(){ setTimeout( function() { var added_item = $( '.masonry.masonry-anim' ).find( '.masonry-item' ).eq($count-1); added_item.addClass( 'masonry-item--appear' ); var added_item_tip = added_item.find('.tip'); added_item_tip.addClass( 'active-tip' ); if ( $( '.masonry.masonry-anim' ).find( '.masonry-item' ).length >= $count ) { $count++; _addClass(); } }, 300); } _addClass(); })(); /* WP gallery ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { if ( ! $( '.gallery' ).length ) return; if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'wp-ajax-loader' ) ) { $( '.gallery' ).isotope({ itemSelector : '.gallery-item', }); setTimeout( function(){ $( '.gallery' ).isotope( 'layout' ) }, 1000); } else { $( window ).on( 'load', function(){ $( '.gallery' ).isotope({ itemSelector : '.gallery-item' }); }); } })(); /* Intro Tabs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function() { if ( $( '.intro-tabs-wrap').length <= 0 ) return var tabs = $( '.intro-tabs-wrap'); tabs.find( 'a' ).each( function(i) { var id = $( this ).attr('data-id'); if ( $( id ).length ) { $( id ).addClass( 'row-intro-tab' ); 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_addClass(); } }, 200); } $( '.thumb-anim' ).addClass( 'thumb-anim--appear' ); //_addClass(); /* Youtube Video ------------------------- */ if ( ! isTouch ) { if ( $( '#video-bg' ).length ) { var video_id = $( '#video-bg' ).data( 'video-id' ), mute = $( '#video-bg' ).data( 'mute' ); var readyYoutube = function(){ if((typeof YT !== "undefined") && YT && YT.Player){ $( '#video-bg' ).YTPlayer({ fitToBackground: true, videoId : video_id, mute : mute, pauseOnScroll : false }); }else{ setTimeout(readyYoutube, 100); } } readyYoutube(); } } else { $( '#video-bg' ).removeClass( 'desktop-video' ); } /* Countdown ------------------------- */ if ( $.fn.countdown ) { $( '.countdown' ).each( function(e) { var date = $( this ).data( 'event-date' ); $( this ).countdown( date, function( event ) { var $this = $( this ); switch( event.type ) { case "seconds": case "minutes": case "hours": case "days": case "weeks": case "daysLeft": $this.find( '.' + event.type ).html( event.value ); break; case "finished": break; 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